Expat Health Snapshot Beijing: Take A Survey!

  • How is your health in Beijing compared to your home country?
  • Do you think air pollution is a problem?
  • Are organics overhyped or crucial?
  • Are you happy or unhappy with your expat clinic?

You can answer all of these questions in a very simple, 10-question survey I’ve created. It’s called Expat Health Snapshot: Beijing 2010, and it only takes two minutes. It’s totally anonymous and private, and I collect no personal data on you. It’s part of my Masters in Public Health research, but I’m honestly just curious as to how expats perceive their health. I’d appreciate your quick 2-minute response, and I will post the final results in about a month. Thanks! Click here to open the survey in a new window.

Follow me on Facebook: @BainbridgeBabaDoc
Photography: www.richardsaintcyr.com