H1N1, Expat Clinics, Unsafe Water Jugs: This Week's Top Ten Weibo Posts

Here are this week’s top ten postings on my Weibo microblog. Don’t know about Weibo? Please read my how-to guide for using Weibo.

H1N1 Flu treatment and Chinese herbs: a new study shows one TCM was as good as Tamiflu to “reduce fever”. Interesting study — but it was not a “blinded” study, so perhaps some bias in results? Study is here, in Annals of Internal Medicine: http://t.cn/aEgcze

转发(42) | 评论(15)8月16日 20:23来自 分享按钮

Hey fans, check out my CCTV News Crossover show on Thursday, 11:30pm; we focus mainly on differences between Chinese hospitals and international hospitals. http://t.cn/hBW0we @季小军 @央视CrossOver


转发(17) | 评论(9)8月18日 00:04来自 分享按钮

Scary news in China Daily: those big blue water jugs in your office may have lots of problems: bacteria, cheap chemicals, poor bottles. It’s hard to find a trusted company! They mentioned Kangtai Gaoke Co. as having their own distribution chain. http://t.cn/aEFpcI


转发(11) | 评论(7)8月17日 07:59来自 分享按钮

Fighting afternoon fatigue? “My No 1 suggestion for improving afternoon fatigue is to take a short nap. A recent study proved that 10 to 20 minutes of closing your eyes in a quiet room can dramatically improve your afternoon alertness and memory recall.” http://t.cn/anAe7t


转发(11) | 评论(3)8月22日 22:40来自 分享按钮

How many of you are convinced that you need to see a famous doctor or a top hospital with fancy tests? Think again: a simple history and physical, plus basic tests, can make 90% of a diagnosis. How can any doc do this with only 5 minutes per patient? http://t.cn/anAzSx

转发(6) | 评论(5)8月17日 18:54来自 分享按钮

Insomnia: How Can You Avoid It? http://t.cn/anKoR5

转发(4) | 评论(5)8月19日 14:52来自 关联博客

Where is the website for the “Chinese Society of General Practice”? It’s listed as an official Chinese Medical Assoc.Specialty Societies but I can find no information on them! Please help! And which medical schools in Beijing have FM residency programs? http://t.cn/aEshBk

转发(2) | 评论(6)8月17日 09:02来自 分享按钮

Listen to this week’s podcast from EZFM BeijingHour: we talk about poor quality water bottles in China, as well as a new “Nasal Cleaning” weather index from Shanghai — useful or not? Click here to listen: http://t.cn/anbI1J @轻松调频EZFM @CRI英文国际在线

转发(3) | 评论(4)8月18日 09:26来自 新浪微博

Shanghai Weather report now has “Daily Index of Nasal Cleaning”, depending on pollution levels. Interesting! I think the concept is good — rinsing nose with salt water twice a day helps many people with allergies, and could flush out pollution particles. http://t.cn/aEF9K1


转发(4) | 评论(1)8月17日 07:49来自 新浪微博

New: “There remains a strong pro-rich inequity of inpatient utilization in rural China. However, a narrowing income gap between the rich and poor and greater access to health insurance has effectively reduced income inequality, equalizing access to care.” http://t.cn/anDwc6

转发(2) | 评论(3)8月21日 23:28来自 分享按钮


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Photography: www.richardsaintcyr.com