Coffee Can Lower Diabetes Risk: Podcast

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Coffee prevents diabetesCoffee addicts should rejoice at today’s news: another study shows a link between drinking coffee and lowered risk of developing diabetes. This effect has been shown in many good studies, and the best data shows how each added cup can lower risk by 7%. The good news is that decaf coffee has the same benefit;  so I would much prefer people drink a few cups of decaf over caffeinated.

I discuss this issue on this week’s podcast on EZFM’s Beijing Hour; you can listen by clicking on the links above. We also discuss another good study which shows how more citrus in your diet can lower your risk of stroke 19%. But which citrus, and in what form, is best? Listen and find out…

More Podcast Information

You can listen to all my previous podcasts at the podcast archive. You can always listen live to my radio interview each Wednesday around 7:35am Beijing time, on the Beijing Hour program on EZFM 91.5, which is broadcast from 7-8am every weekday by host Paul James. EZFM is the popular bilingual radio station on the China Radio International network, broadcasting here in Beijing and on multiple stations all over the world, as well as live online.

Follow me on Facebook: @BainbridgeBabaDoc

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