Health Words of the Day, Part Two 今日健康词

My attempts to create an online presence for the Chinese community continue to plod along in painful spurts, as my limited Chinese writing skills limit my ambitions to bring my blog’s wellness information to a much wider audience here in China. But my Weibo miniblog is continuing to expand and get more fans, especially with my series of “Health Words of The Day”. Written in Chinese, English and pinyin, it has become good language practice for me as well. Here’s the second collection of them:

减肥 jiǎnféi = to lose weight。例如: losing weight is the #1 way to prevent diabetes. 减肥是最有效的预防糖尿病的办法 Jiǎnféi shì zuì yǒuxiào de yùfáng tángniàobìng de bànfǎ

预防疾病 yùfáng jíbìng = prevent disease. 例如 example: A good family doctor teaches his patients how to prevent disease. 一个好的家庭医生教他的病人如何预防疾病。

传染 chuánrǎn = infectious/ contagious. 例如 example:感冒的病毒很容易传染; 洗手可以预防感冒 . The common cold virus is very infectious; hand washing can prevent it.

鼻炎bíyán = Rhinitis. 例如 Example: the main symptoms of rhinitis are runny nose and cough 过敏性鼻炎的主要症状是流鼻涕和咳嗽. Guòmǐn xìng bíyán de zhǔyào zhèngzhuàng shì liúbítì hé késou

防晒霜 fángshài shuāng = sunscreen. 例如Example: Suntan lotion can help decrease your risk of skin cancer. 使用防晒霜可以帮助减少患皮肤癌的风险 Shǐyòng fángshài shuāng kěyǐ bāngzhù jiǎnshǎo huàn pífū ái de fēngxiǎn

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